Friday 21 November 2008

Final Fortnight Stress

Me looking a bit stressed

As week 9 of this term closes, I enter the final fortnight of the lecturing term - and the chaos associated with it begins.

The final two weeks are paper-jam packed with assignment deadlines, report hand-ins and general "get-this-done-by-this-day-and-attach-a-pink-plagiarism-cover-sheet" malarkey. This reoccurring festival is observed by Computing Scientists in various forms: from overnight vigils in the Boyd Orr computing lab, to fasting over lunch (in order to get those final lines of code written), and the custom of decking anyone who is wasting printer time with LOLcats when you are trying to re-print the class diagrams you spent all night wrestling from the clutches of Umbrello.

As you can probably tell, this is the least enjoyable fortnight of the term. So if you see me about, please do take the time to give me a cuddle - I'll really appreciate it.

1 comment:

Alasdair Hunter said...

good luck dude. drop by the office and i'll get you a cup of tea.